10 Master students in Agroecotechnology from Syiah Kuala University visited the Malaysia Exposition Park Serdang (MAEPS) for elaborating their internship program.
The program aims to open up insights and improve skills of student in sustainable agriculture and organic agriculture, initiate further collaboration for research development, and share information about sustainable agriculture in Malaysia and Indonesia, especially Aceh. “This brief apprenticeship program is very useful for Agroecotechnology Masters students, especially in terms of developing the potential and commercialization of herbal plants, developing vegetables and pineapples and beekeeper. Students practice in the visit, their knowledge and skills increase, “said Dr. nat. techn. Syafruddin, S.P., M.P., as the Coordinator of Sustainable Agriculture Subjects in the Agroecotechnology Master Program, Syiah Kuala University.
One of the efforts was to promote sustainable agriculture and organic agriculture through a short visit and internship program at MAEPS. “We are welcome and pleased with this program. Insights of sustainable agriculture and organic farming are increasing and this certainly supports our research program so far. Hopefully this program will continue to be implemented and sustainable because it is very important to improve student knowledge and skills, especially in the sustainable agriculture, land-based remediation and waste management fields,” said Maulana Zubir, one of the students who participated in the program. Finally, Dr. nat. techn. Syafruddin, S.P., M.P. as the Head of the Center for Organic Farming Development studies expressed his gratitude to the Unsyiah S-FARM Program and Agroecotechnology Master program who participated and succeeded in the program of visits and internships in Malaysia. Prof. Dr. Samadi, M.Sc. stated that this activity can support curricula that have been developed under S-FARM project.